TACC Consulting offers family-centered, individualized support through data collection, implementation, and protective strategies. TACC offers an array of curated social-emotional services that exist because of a vast need. These services include:

Solution-Focused Strategy Call (Teens/Preteen)

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a short-term approach that focuses on setting goals and working out how to achieve them. This approach is future- focused and goal-directed, and focuses on solutions, rather than on the client’s problems in great detail. SFBT promotes positive change by encouraging the client to focus on what they can do, rather than what they can't.

These calls are geared toward individuals or families looking for a concrete approach and implementation plan without committing to ongoing services.

Here’s how it works:

$300 for a 90-minute virtual call (15 minutes with caregiver, 60 minutes with teen, and 15 minute wrap-up with both parties)
• Client chooses a date and time that best suits them
• Pre-session questionnaire to be completed prior to the meeting
• A 15-minute follow-up call two weeks after the session
• $50 credit will be applied to enrollment in the four-session program if client chooses a longer term solution

Solution-Focused Four-Session Program

This program is a more in-depth approach to the Solution-Focused Strategy Call. Over four mutually agreed upon 60-minute sessions, the participant will develop goals, strategies, and an implementation plan.

These sessions are offered for teens and their families and encompass emotional, behavioral and/or educational support. Family goals include improving communication, developing loving and nurturing boundaries, and implementing strategic changes.

Here’s how it works:

$1,200 for four 60-minute virtual calls
• Client and TACC Consulting select virtual call dates and times that are mutually beneficial
• Abbreviated Pre-session update to be completed prior to each meeting
• A 30-minute follow-up call two weeks after final session

TACC Consulting also offers a range of social coaching groups for preteens, teens, parents, and caregivers. Click below to join the waitlist.

Ready to get started?

Book a free 15-minute consultation call!